martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

California Governor Jerry Brown vetoes immigrant jurors.

Jose Carlos de Corcuera Campos 142778
California Governor Jerry Brown vetoes immigrant jurors.
These new talk about the rejecting of non-citizens immigrants to serve on juries in the state of California.
According to the new, yesterday Jerry Brown (California Governor) called jury duty “quintessentially a prerogative and responsibility of citizenship”.
Also his fellow Democrats, who passed the bill in the state legislature, argued it would expand the jury pool and provide a jury of peers for non-citizens on trial.
On the other hand, recently, California has expanded privileges to the states immigrants, for example the state has signed a law allowing immigrants living illegally to apply for driving licences.       
The result of these veto, was that some people like Democratic Assemblyman Bob Wieckowski argued that this veto is disappointing, because such immigrants were “part of the fabric of the US communities”.
On the other hand lawmakers in the Republican minority had argued any juror shortage was due to lack of funding for the system, not a dearth of people available to serve on panels.
The new also seed that an estimated 10 million Californians are summoned for jury duty each year and about four million are eligible and available to serve, according to the states Judicial Council.         

I’m totally disagree with this law, because first of all California is one of the states of the US with more immigrants, this immigrants are allow, according to Wieckowski, to serve in courts, schools, police departments and armed forces.
I don’t see anything wrong those immigrants that almost all of them have been living in the US since they were children to be part of the juries; they are all ready part of the system. Also, some immigrants are well prepared and positioned to apply on this job.         
I agree that most of the immigrants and black people are the ones that are more problematic in the sense on robberies, drogdealers, gangs and trafficking weapons, but I also believe that a people that represents the law and take important decisions like a the juries cant be judge for they’re origins, they should be judge by they’re preparation and acknowledge.
Jerry Brown should remember what Kennedy said “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” people that came to the US when they were children most of them are immigrants the problem is that they don’t have other country, I don’t see what’s the problem if they are well prepared and what to serve in the juries.              

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