miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

An election-year ploy: Get tough on China

An election-year ploy: Get tough on China

by: David Maxil 
19/Septiembre/2012. Washington Post


The news " An election-year ploy: Get tough on China" talk about the polls show the public believes that this country is losing jobs due to unfair economic competition from abroad, especially from China. And so, every four years, presidential candidates fall all over themselves promising to get tough on imports.
The U.S. and China are competing for global market share, avoiding a trade war is the interest of both nations.
It is clear that in recent years China has strengthened and consolidated its position as a global power and is considered a major threat to the United States, primarily in the economic area, regardless of who is president. China increasingly increases its power and presence throughout the world and this has affected the U.S., has implemented strict rules and convenience to its market remains intact for possible threats. China for years one of the largest buyers of government bonds, becoming one of the largest creditors of the U.S. government. China purchases have helped keep interest rates low in the U.S.
In the Western world it is usual that the relationship is defined negatively, and that China is seen as a threat, but it really is an important ally for the United Kingdom.
Mitt Romney promises to do more than Obama has done to punish China for manipulating its currency in international markets, but it is very difficult to be able to take tough action against the Asian giant. Based on this, I think that the U.S. can take important steps to Romney if he becomes the next president, but his foreign policy with China must be conducted with great care as a rival rather than a partner that depends to some extent to do or not do.
It is logical that at election time everyone wants to take the weak points in order to win the vote of the citizens, but the international scene with China, is a sensitive issue for the importance of this country in the international system.
China has the power to keep open the market for U.S. industries and thus maintain good levels of employment is a constant fight between two major international actors depend on the strategy and success of whoever wins the next election, Obama Romney and present a different picture, but I think the main thing is to keep the interest of both countries ahead. Both candidates have a major challenge to maintain stable relations with China, should employ policies that benefit both nations, China can affect the United States and vice versa if during this election process is promised beyond the scope and limitations Americans.
Finally I think that voting for Obama would decide the continuity of social stability, economic and political, with some urgent problems to solve.

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