jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

Group of Young Immigrants Seeks a Direct Path to Citizenship for All, Regardless of Age

Adrián Vargas Riestra

      On the past weeks, the currently discussed immigration reform which was apparently going well, has just become a pain for both involved sides (The Government and The Immigrants), what apparently started as a viable proposal, has been suffering a series of alarming setbacks. Rumors say that behind of trying to legalize a few Immigrants another type of negotiations are taking shape, the main objective of this recently revealed discussions, moves around the idea of enduring the border security, this will logically mean that if the migration reform lies as it is been currently discuss, the whole point of legalizing a big number of Immigrants will mean that on a near feature we are going to be watching a growth within the number of soldiers and police man that patrol the U.S and Mexican border area.
      Let’s remember that according to the past lecture (Identity and Democracy) the Latino community on the U.S has proved that they share a strong identity and that when the time to fight for a legal status arrived, their power has proved that they have the ability to move some important and strong strings within the U.S Congress.
      This Reform needs to satisfy both sides, on one side the Republicans whose conservative wing is fighting pretty hard to redesign the Reform in order to fulfill their promises to the American conservative sector ("which is whom they represent”).
And on the other side the Democrats who specially own the Latino community a huge favor for helping them achieving a victory on the past federal elections.
      If the U.S congress cannot reach an agreement regarding the Immigrants situation, the damage to the white house and some important Democrat legislators will result irreversible, and the current alarming approval rates of the recently re-elected president Barrack Obama, will continue to go down, leaving the Republicans (specially their most conservative wing), the doors open for gaining back the power on the White House.
      Mentioning again our lecture, the conservative interest groups are currently winning over their liberal ones, and that a efficient combination of interests and identities within a group results on a victory for everyone that shares their ideologies and supports their thoughts, the main proof of this is that on the past months, the President is failing to fulfill his campaign promises, resulting on a let down of a huge number of supporters who let him stay at the White House on that past election.
On the other hand it is important that the Mexican Government pays attention to the details within this decisions, we should be alarmed by the fact that the U.S is trying to endure the security within our borders, if we let them negotiate the legalization of a few Immigrants in exchange of a militarization of our borders, we are being pushed to an area in which our neighbor proves to be alarmed by our violence situation within the north territories, and that if the U.S border states ask for it, the U.S military will have the chance and reasons to violate and threat our national sovereignty.

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